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12/14/20 ww HH-Main 6MST Beds 1647-1650 **ICU**
December 15, 2020

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2020 12:05:39 PM
Subject: HH-Main 6MST Beds 1647-1650  **ICU**

As you can tell from your emails this morning, HH-Main is doing some "flexing" in order to accommodate the needs of our patients.  6MST beds 1647, 1648, 1649, & 1650 are now actively being converted to ICU patients.  Pharmacy Operations is looking at possible changes needing to be made in pyxis, but for now, nursing may get needed meds out of CCU.  As always, let me know of any issues and remember good communication is important!
Remember to look at bed # when determining the appropriateness of a medication in these new ICU areas.  
New ICU Beds Today
  • HORR 18-36
  • 6MST 1647-1650

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