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12/14/20 ww HH-Main PACU - ICU Conversion Today
December 15, 2020

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Cc: "Pharmacy Call Center" <>
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2020 8:39:57 AM
Subject: HH-Main PACU -ICU Conversion Today***

In order to accommodate the need for more ICU beds, 1st floor PACU is now converting half of their beds into a 24/7 ICU area today.  This was piloted back in April 2020, just for this scenario.  These will be surgical patients requiring ICU (non-trauma). PACU beds HORR 1-17 will remain PACU beds.  HORR 18-36 will be ICU.  We expect the first patients to begin utilizing this area today.  Adjustment to responsibilities is as follows: 

PACU (HORR 1-17) 
  • phone # 58111
  • No change in workflow.  The Q's continue to verify PACU orders. 
ICU (HORR 18-36)
  • phone # 44805
  • UB3/UB8 will pick-up the verification responsibilities for HORR 18-36. PPM will be adjusted.  (note: all HORR orders will show on PPM, just focus on beds 18-36)
  • Z2 will pick-up 3NE consults
  • D2 will pick-up HORR 18-36 consults

More info to come and please let me know of any issues you encounter!

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