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12/11/20 jh Required Cerner In-Service for Inpatients Pharmacists - 12/10 @1:15
December 14, 2020

From: "Joseph Ho" <>
To: "grp allpharm" <>
Cc: "Michele Durda" <>, "Aaron Atkins" <>, "Travis Ball" <>, "Jack Adams" <>, "Laura Perry" <>
Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 11:38:52 AM
Subject: RE: Required Cerner In-service for Inpatient Pharmacists - 12/10 @1:15p

Hey everyone,

 I misspoke yesterday on the Cerner In-service about the behavior of Discontinue in MedManager.  It turns out Cerner does not default to No Cosign Required, but instead defaults to the Communication Type the order was ordered/verified with.  So for example, if you verify an order as Telephone with Readback and then you Discontinue the order in MedManager, it will send the discontinue as Telephone with Readback and require provider cosignature.

 We added this idea to the presentation to highlight times when Cerner automatically defaults a Communication Type and doesn’t let you adjust it.  Some examples are Discontinuing in MedManager or Discontinuing through the mCDS duplicate warning screen.  In both cases, Cerner defaults the Discontinue to the Communication Type the order was ordered/verified with.

 If you want to be sure what Communication Type is being used, options are using Void in MedManager instead (probably your go-to option anyway), or using Cancel/Discontinue from PowerChart.

 The Bottom Line slide has been adjusted to:

 Â—  Protect yourself: do not use “No Cosign Required” if you actually took a telephone or verbal order

—  Discontinue in MedManager defaults to the Communication Type the order was ordered/verified with automatically.  Use Void in MedManager instead if this needs adjustment.

—  Whenever there is uncertainty of doing something per policy, reach out to the provider for clarification and use the appropriate Communication Type


 Thank you to Laura for uncovering and testing this behavior!

Please let me know if you have any questions about this.

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