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12/10/20 md UB/PSP
December 10, 2020

From: "Mary Dang" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2020 11:23:15 AM
Subject: UB/PSP

Starting next Monday (12/14/20), we will assign a UB position to work out of PSP after 3:30P during the weekdays (3:30p-8P or 3:30P-10P...depending on staffing availability and what's already posted) in order to provide support of PSP's increased workload. If you're assigned and not PSP trained, you will be introduced to PSP's workflow but will mainly be there to support with any phone calls or order verification/clarification issues. The PSP pharmacist will be there to "guide" you. We will re-evaluate this process once we all get over this hurdle together. I will be updating Schedule Anywhere with a note attached to those assigned to assist. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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