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12/7/20 ww HH-Main Unit Changes (COVID-19)
December 7, 2020

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Monday, December 7, 2020 10:05:58 AM
Subject: HH-Main  -Unit Changes  (COVID-19)

Attention, we have some moving and shaking...
CSSM:   Cardiac short stay will convert beds 1-8 to non-COVID inpatient beds. These will be non-ICU cardiac patients. 
7MST:   Converting to negative pressure COVID+ unit.  Oncology patients are being moved to 7E.  Once 7E is full, it is possible that these patients may be moved to other units.  We can not predict where this would be at the moment.  If you notice chemo orders on a non-Onc unit, utilize the following plan:
  • 7am-4pm: Call the Onc Ascom #74235 to notify the oncology pharmacist of the location of the patient.
  • 4pm-10pm: Notify the UB9, who will assess any urgent oncology orders and relay patient location to the following day's inpatient Onc pharmacist via email.
  • Midnights:  Email the inpatient Onc pharmacist to notify them of oncology patients location.
  • Once notified, the oncology pharmacists will enter an intervention on the patient stating that the pharmacy onc team is following.
More changes are likely to happen, so stay tuned!  Let me know if you have any questions.

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