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11/30/20 hj Narcotic Waste from RPH Code Bag
November 30, 2020

From: "Hannah V. Johnson (Pharmacy)" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>, "PharmTechs Main Central" <>
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2020 11:21:52 AM
Subject: Narcotic Waste from RPH Code Bag

Narcotic Waste from RPH Code bag

In the event that midazolam is needed from the RPH code bag during a code and there is waste left, the pharmacist who attended the code with the remaining midazolam in possession will come to central pharmacy to record the waste. 
Please utilize the attached form for documenting any midazolam waste after a code. This form will be located in the Narcotic QRG notebook in our C2 safe area and in the Code Reference notebooks that go with the code bags. Note:This will require the pharmacist's signature, a witness signature (usually the technician working in the C2 safe) and the patient sticker. If there is an instance where the patient information is unknown/doe please indicate in the comments section of the form. Once the waste is documented our narcotic technician will file this form in the "midazolam" folder.
Please let me know of any questions or concerns on this process.


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