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11/05/20 bs Reminder: Employee Flu Vaccine
November 5, 2020

From: "Berkley Sykes" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2020 12:11:00 PM
Subject: Reminder: Employee Flu Vaccine

Get your flu shot! 
It is vitally important this year for employees to get vaccinated for Flu with COVID so rampant in our communities. Employees are required to either get a flu shot from Employee Health, provide proof to Employee Health of a flu shot received from another location, or sign a declination. This year, to assist with social distancing, the Flu Declination can be found on the Hotlist on Pulse. Once the employee completes and submits the form, it will come straight to us in Employee Health for documentation. 

The deadline is 12/18/2020

Employees who decline for any reason other than medical or religious/moral objection, or fail to address the flu requirement will forfeit the full variable pay amount associated with the Employee Goals and their merit increase if offered this fiscal year. Please understand that your choice to decline is based on your own personal reason; therefore, your declination paperwork does not involve your supervisor. If you decline, you are responsible for ensuring you sign the proper documentation noting your objections. If you do not sign the paperwork, or do not properly indicate your exact objection, you will forfeit your incentive and merit increase. If you have questions about the declination process, please contact Employee Health. 

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