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10/28/20 dc GI Preps
November 2, 2020

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 8:48:42 AM
Subject: GI preps

As stated yesterday, we are unable to obtain GoLYTELY type GI preps. Richard called a GI physician and the Chair of P&T and both are OK with substituting Miralax...the 238 gm product can be used in place of 2-4 L of GoLYTELY. This interchange is automatic during this shortage. I will ask Steven Tate to add this notation to the GoLYTELY/GI preps entry in FormWeb. Use the GI PEG (Miralax) Bowel Prep power plan. Keith has upped our stock of Miralax during this shortage. DAVID

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