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10/30/20 tb New 'dot' phrase for Miralax instructions
November 2, 2020

From: "Travis Ball" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2020 10:22:28 AM
Subject: Re: New "dot" phrase for Miralax instructions

After some discussion, the Miralax instructions have been changed to:
Mixed in 2 L sports drink.  Give 240 mL PO every 15 min until bowel prep complete.


From: "Travis Ball" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 1:44:50 PM
Subject: New "dot" phrase for Miralax instructions

Word Document with images -> New "dot" phrase for Miralax instructions


There is now a new dot phrase for entering Miralax instructions in Medmanager. Type ",miralax" in the comment field and the following comment will populate:

"Mixed in 2 L sports drink.  Give 240 mL PO every hour until bowel prep complete".
There is also a new comment added to the product to help remind pharmacists that instructions need to be included. 
Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, we couldn't default the instructions on the product but hopefully this will help with entering these orders through Medmanager.

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