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10/29/20 jh Vancomycin Calculator Update: 10/29/20
October 29, 2020

From: "Joseph Ho" <>
To: "grp allpharm" <>
Cc: "Riley Jackson" <>, "Cara Bujanowski" <>, "Jonathan Edwards" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2020 1:08:07 PM
Subject: Vancomycin Calculator Update 10/29/20

Hey everyone,


We had an issue with the Adult Vancomycin calculator where it struggled when a dose and levels crossed different months (e.g. from 12/31/20 to 1/1/21).  Riley has adjusted the calculator and we believe successfully resolved the problem.  The calculator link on Formweb under PKS Information has been updated.  Other minor adjustments include making it so the Reset button moves your cursor to the first field (Age) of the calculator.

If you have downloaded the calculator, please replace it with the new file.  The previous filename was Vancomycin Calculator 6-27-2020.xlsm, the new one is Vancomycin Calculator 2.0.xlsm

Please let us know if you encounter any issues or have any questions or concerns.  We are still working to update the Pediatric Vanc calculator.

Many thanks to Riley for his work on this!


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