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10/29/20 bs 11/3: Make a voting plan!
October 29, 2020

From: "Berkley Sykes" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2020 1:00:16 PM
Subject: 11/3: Make a voting plan!

I want to make sure each of you has a voting plan for this upcoming election on Tuesday, November 3rd. The polls are expected to be very busy in addition to being possibly slower this year due to COVID concerns. Polls in Alabama will be open from 7 am to 7 pm. Note: If you are in line to vote at 7 pm, you will be permitted to vote regardless of the time. 


The majority (if not all) of pharmacy employees should have time to vote either before or after their shift; however, if your shift doesn't allow for you to vote and get to work on time OR to make it to the polls before they close, please see your manager BEFORE Tuesday to make arrangements. We want you to have the opportunity to vote, but we also have to ensure we have enough staff to care for our patients. 


Important to know: 

-If you decide/need to vote before your shift, please plan accordingly knowing the line will most likely be very long.  

-If you did not make arrangements ahead of time with your manager, please understand the time and attendance policy is still in effect. 


Required Time Off for Voting – Employees Working in AL

Under Alabama law, employees are entitled to up to one hour of voting leave, if the polls are not open at least two hours before their regular shift or at least one hour after their regular shift.  Employees must provide reasonable notice to be given this time off.  The employer may specify the hours that the employee can take off.  Employers are not required to pay employees for this time off.  Alabama law does not specify whether the hour off can be in lieu of a lunch break.  (Ala. Code § 17-1-5).  

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