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10/27/20 dc Go-Lytely Shortage
October 28, 2020

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 3:15:07 PM
Subject: Go-Lytely shortage

Go-Lytely and similar products are currently unavailable. We have a small supply at this time, but will need to use an alternate product unless things change in the next week or so. Richard is talking with GI docs and the chair of P&T for final approval, but we will likely use generic Miralax in place of the Go-Lytely products. The 'GI PEG (Miralax) Bowel Prep' power plan is available in Cerner for use if we exhaust our supply of Go-Lytely and we can standardize most prep doses to the 238 gm bottle of Miralax.
More info will follow. DAVID

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