Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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10/22/20 jh Check Interactions Button
October 22, 2020

From: "Joseph Ho" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2020 4:17:03 PM
Subject: Check Interactions button

Hey all,

Happy Pharmacy Week!!!!

Just a quick reminder that under PowerChart Medication List, there is a button called  that can help you screen for duplicate orders.  It is an extra step that unfortunately is not available in MedManager, but it can be a fast way to manually screen for mCDS (Duplicate, Drug-Drug Interaction, and Allergy) alerts while reviewing med profiles.


  1. Click on PowerChart Medication List
  2. Filter by All Active Medications if not already
    1. This is best if your Medication List is sorted by Venue so home meds are separated from inpatient orders.  See the Suggested Settings tip sheet section on “Columns on Orders and Medication List” on how. 
  1. Click the Check Interactions button


This populates mCDS (Duplicate, Drug-Drug Interaction, and Allergy) alerts that are current from the time you click the Check Interactions button for both inpatient and home medications, separately.  Note: Dose alerts do not get fired from this button.  Suppressed alerts are also not shown.

Check Interactions Icons




Drug-Drug Interaction




When you hover over the icons in the Interactions column a dialogue box appears

 Click on “Click here to view all interactions for this order” to view the alert and see why it is firing


We’ve also added this to an updated tip sheet at this link on looking for Duplicate therapies.  It’s mostly old information, but we hope you find something useful.  Please reach out if you have other pharmacist tips or comments!  We’re always looking for ways to make workflow safer and better.




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