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10/13/20 ww UB/TOC Pilot 2E/2W
October 15, 2020

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists Main Central" <>, "Pharmacy Clinical Specialist" <>, "Pharmacy TOC" <>, "Pharmacy Residents" <>, "Pharmacists PSP" <>
Cc: "Pharmacy Call Center" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 2:54:50 PM
Subject: UB/TOC Pilot   2E/2W
Pharmacists Deployment UB-TOC PILOT 2020

Starting Monday, 10/19/20, we will be piloting a UB pharmacy model that combines the current responsibilities of a UB pharmacist and TOC pharmacist.  The pilot will run Mon-Fri for 4 weeks and will target 2E/2W.  PGY-1 Resident Erin Creasy has taken this on as a project and will be collecting a lot of data points to better assess this model, including nursing and pharmacists surveys.
Why do this Pilot?  
Our current UB model is more of a pseudo-UB model, in where we often have very little contact or presence in certain units because each UB pharmacist is covering a plethora of units.  Combining UB and TOC resources could potentially steer our current UB model closer to what a "true" UB model is.  The idea is, "What does it look like for a pharmacist to be responsible for less patients, but take care of all Pharmacy related needs those patients require?"  Other hospitals utilize this model, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it would work at HH...hence the pilot.
Pilot Logistics
  • The Pilot IM (PIM) pharmacists will cover all UB and TOC responsibilities for 2E/2W, excluding TPN from 9a to 5p.  (Verification, PKS, Sentri7, and TOC)
  • The PIM will be located on 2E/2W and can be reached at Ascom# 74201.  A laptop will be stored in the 2nd fl UB office for the PIM in the event of all computers being used on 2E/2W. 
  • The PIM will take lunch at 11:45am.  UB10 will cover order verification only (not expected to cover discharge responsibilities).
  • If the PIM needs help during the shift, they will reach out to their team for assistance.  (This will be a data point as well!)
At the conclusion of the 4-week Pilot, responsibilities will return to pre-pilot status.  
Reach out to me with any questions or concerns!

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