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09/28/20 bs Pharmacy Week peer recognition
September 28, 2020

From: "Berkley Sykes" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 11:15:57 AM
Subject: Pharmacy Week peer recognition

Pharmacy Week is coming up soon and it's the perfect time to recognize our awesome colleagues! We work with some amazing people... those who work hard, help out, are super smart, or make us smile. 
Please take a moment in the next couple of weeks to write down the name of a person you value or respect and tell us why you think they are super.
The supervisors are setting up bins for you to place your note (or you may email if you wish). During pharmacy week, your super colleague will get a shout out during the huddles. 
And... if you'd like to recognize your manager, supervisor, coordinator, or lead, I'm sure they'd love to have some kudos as well. You can put a note in the bin or you can email me or another leader. 
I hope you'll take a minute to recognize a super colleague!!

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