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09/28/20 ef 2nd Shift Lead 1 Position for PSP
September 28, 2020

From: "Eric Franks Pharmacy" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Cc: "Hilary Robertson" <>
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 7:38:20 AM
Subject: 2nd shift Lead 1 position for PSP

Good Morning All,

Pharmacy management has identified the need to add a 2nd shift Lead 1 pharmacist position in Pharmacy Sterile Products.
As you may remember, lead positions were implemented to support departmental needs and provide the individuals selected with an opportunity for growth.
Proposed activities for 2020/2021 would include the following: attending leadership development classes, assisting with projects, mentoring new employees, participating in interviews, and managing scheduling/staffing issues.

Our goal is to structure the program around the interest and abilities of the individual selected while at the same time supporting departmental needs.
If you are interested in being considered for this role, please email Hilary Robertson your resume/CV before noon on Friday, October 9th.
Note - those selected will continue to work their current shift including weekends with occasional project days if/when the schedule permits. This will also be considered a lateral move with the potential to be promoted to a lead 2 position in the future.
The candidate selected will receive training on each of the day positions in PSP.
Please consider applying for this position if you have an interest in pharmacy management/leadership.
If you have questions regarding this opportunity, feel free to reach out to me.

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