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09/17/20 bs OPM-A move 9/18
September 17, 2020

From: "Berkley Sykes" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 11:31:19 AM
Subject: OPM-A move 9/18

I want to make sure everyone is aware of an upcoming change for Outpatient Medical. 
This Friday (9/18) OPM-A will be moving from MOB to BMT Suite 600 (6th floor to the right from the elevator lobby). 
9/18: OPM-A plans to see patients needing IV abx at MOB, but will complete treatments by 10:00.
9/19: They will see IV abx patients at new location in BMT. 
Beginning 9/19: 
Pyxis: HHM central pharmacy will service the Pyxis and send non-IV meds
Sterile compounding: PSP will continue to compound and send IV medications. BMT pharmacy will not prepare medications for OPM-A.
Verification: The OPM pharmacist will still have a workspace and computer in OPM-A at BMT dedicated for them to verify and assist as needed. 
Tube station: OPM-A plans to utilize the CHF Clinic tube station (34), and Richard will still pick up meds as needed. 
If you have any questions, please let me or Wade know.

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