Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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09/14/20 COVID Shuffle - Read Now
September 14, 2020

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists Main Central" <>, "Pharmacy Clinical Specialist" <>, "Pharmacy TOC" <>, "Pharmacists PSP" <>
Cc: "Pharmacy Call Center" <>, "Mary Dang" <>, "David Collette" <>, "Christina Ridgeway" <>, "Steven Higginbotham" <>
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 11:06:42 AM
Subject: COVID Shuffle   -Read Now
Ascom Phone List

We've had multiple pharmacists be placed in quarantine over the last week, so we want to take measures to free up our smaller UB offices and distance a little more.  
Effective immediately:
  • UB1: will work out of workstation beside the narc vault in Central Pharmacy 
  • UB7: will work out of the PTTP classroom at Dowdle
  • UB8: will work out of the PTTP classroom at Dowdle
  • UB11: will work out of the PTTP classroom at Dowdle
  • Q Area:  Q1/Q2 in office "A" and Q3/Q4 in office "B"
  • Everyone else will work out of their normal area (unless told otherwise by supervisor) and continue to distance as much as possible. 
  • If you are working out of a new area, be sure to pickup your Ascom in the "home office" for that position at the beginning of shift and return it to the charge station at the end of shift. (UB1 can use the battery dock located in Central by the console tech)  Communicate with your nursing units and staff on how to reach you. 
Attached is an Ascom list.  I will be working on updating the Unit Assignment Document with Ascom #'s added and get that out to you later today or tomorrow.
CODE COVERAGE:  As before, the UBs remaining at Main and Central pharmacists will need to cover codes for our 2nd shift UBs working out of Dowdle.
And most importantly,  I can't thank you all enough for how hard you work and for how determined you are to make sure our patients are cared for. Regardless of the circumstances, you are doing great work!
Let me know if this quick change poses concerns or challenges in your specific areas, and feel free to contact me anytime.

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