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03/29/2017 MD -- Adult Electrolyte Protocol Updates - Thursday, April 6

From: Michele Durda

To: All Nurses, Health Care Assistant ( former allhuc)

Cc: Pharmacists

Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 9:54:19 AM

Subject: Adult Electrolyte Protocol Updates - Thursday, April 6


Education Electrolyte Protocol changes FLYER

Adult Electrolyte Protocol Powerpoint

Adult Electrolyte Protocol HCA ORDER ENTRY


The Adult Electrolyte Protocol will be updated on PULSE and in iCare on Thursday, April 6.


A number of changes have been made to improve the process, including: a new implementation page, faster phosphorus infusion rates, and the return of potassium tablets

Please review the attached documents to prepare for the changes:

  1. Adult Electrolyte Protocol Powerpoint - Details changes and updated format
  2. Adult Electrolyte Protocol HCA ORDER ENTRY - Details order entry process for updated protocol
  3. Education Electrolyte Protocol changes FLYER - Summarizes changes in 1 page (legal size) FLYER format


Please contact me or Jerry Robinson if you have any questions


Michele Durda, Pharm.D.

Medication Safety/Drug Utilization Pharmacist

Huntsville Hospital

101 Sivley Road


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