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08/05/20 dc Propofol, fentaNYL, midazolam, NMBs
August 6, 2020

From: "David Collette" <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 10:33:08 AM
Subject: propofol, fentaNYL, midazolam, NMBs

With our very high # of vents, we continue to struggle to keep a desired supply of propofol, fentaNYL, midazolam, and neuromuscular blockers. While we have a decent supply of these drugs right now, the supply chain is struggling to meet everyone's needs across the nation. On our system call this morning, several directors mentioned that they are having trouble getting sufficient propofol and we expect it to get worse.
Please do all that you can to preserve our supply of these drugs. Please work with the prescriber to recommend the lowest effective dose and to discontinue when no longer absolutely needed.
Thanks for all of your efforts during this crazy time. I wouldn't expect it to get much better as we enter cold and flu season this fall/winter, but maybe things will look up when an effective vaccine is available. DAVID

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