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08/04/20 md Duplicate Medication Order Guidelines - Quick Refresher
August 5, 2020

From: "Michele Durda" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 2:47:09 PM
Subject: Duplicate Medication Order Guidelines - Quick Refresher

As requested in today's huddle, here is a quick refresher on the Duplicate Medication Order and PRN Indication Guidelines:
1. Please see attached reference tables - this information is also available in the QRG (p 13-17 in 2019 edition)
2. Pharmacists may automatically discontinue many medication orders as duplicates - as long as the medication is the same (see reference table for exceptions)
3. Pharmacists may discontinue certain medications that have duplicate PRN indications, even if the medication is not the same
4. In most cases, the most recent order is maintained and prior order(s) discontinued; if orders are identical, the older order may be maintained and the new unverified order discontinued
5. Pharmacists may add an indication for certain PRN medications, if not included
6. As always, maintain a questioning attitude and ask for clarification from the provider if there are questions about appropriateness
The full guidelines may be accessed at the link below:
Duplicate Medication Order (and PRN Indication) Guidelines:
Please let me know if you have any questions and thanks for all that you do!

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