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08/03/20 js Clozapine Enrollment (Please Disregard If Previously Enrolled)
August 5, 2020

From: "Jonathan W Spry" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2020 3:17:08 PM
Subject: Clozapine Enrollment (Please Disregard If Previously Enrolled)

Hello All,

We have had several new pharmacist hire in recently at HH so I wanted to make sure everyone had the information needed to get enrolled with the clozapine registry.  With the registry everyone has to have their own login; attached you will find instructions on how to enroll yourself.  Under normal situations a PKS consult will be entered and a clinical specialist will take care of the order, but there are a few instances where it may require verification by UB pharmacist or other.  I have attached an information sheet with enrollment instructions as well as instructions to verify enrollment if the need arises.  With the new registry, the only role inpatient pharmacists have is to verify that the patient and prescriber are enrolled and that a lab value is current (if not we can enter a current lab value). I hope this all makes sense and if you have any questions please let me know.  I recommend that everyone enrolls so that no problems arise in the future.  
Please disregard if you are already enrolled in the registry or perform no verification duties.

Thank you,

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