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07/29/20 je HH-COVID-19 Remdesivir Criteria for Use 7/28/20
July 30, 2020

From: "Jonathan Edwards" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 1:15:31 PM
Subject: Re: Updated Remdesivir Criteria for Use
HH-COVID-19 Remdesivir Criteria for Use 7/28/20



The P&T Committee recently approved updated "Remdesivir Criteria for Use for ADULT and PEDIATRIC Patients".  Pediatric dosing has been added to the criteria for use.  Note there is no change in adult dosing.  Remdesivir may be prescribed by infectious diseases or pediatric critical care providers.

Important changes are as follows:

Inclusion Criteria
  • removed age criteria of > 17 years and requirement for AMT approval as inclusion criteria
  • clarified the diagnosis of "severe" COVID-19 disease includes both radiographic evidence of pneumonia AND persistently low oxygen saturations or requirement of supplemental oxygen/ventilation

Exclusion Criteria
  • removed pregnancy, hepatic cirrhosis, and participation in a clinical trial as exclusion criteria
  • clarified that the risks must outweigh the benefit in breast feeding females
  • added exclusion criteria for full-term neonates with serum creatinine 1 mg/dL or greater

Other Requirements

  • added pediatric dosing
  • removed ordering CBC lab

Attached is the "Remdesivir Criteria for Use for ADULT and PEDIATRIC Patients".  Please let AMT know if you have questions.

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