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07/29/20 dc Sodium Backorder
July 30, 2020

From: "David Collette" <>

Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 2:04:55 PM
Subject: Sodium backorder

We are unable to obtain a reliable supply of concentrated sodium chloride and must take steps immediately to conserve our dwindling supply. Please help conserve our supply by:
  • using sodium ACETATE in adult TPNs whenever possible (it may be all that we have soon!)
  • contacting the prescriber (generally, nephrology) when orders are received for 1/4 NS (which requires compounding with concentrated saline) and see if 1/2 NS is an option
Thank you in advance for your immediate attention to this matter. We will keep you apprised of the status of concentrated sodium chloride and any further steps that need to be undertaken. DAVID

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