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07/23/20 bs Masking Requirements
July 23, 2020

From: "Berkley Sykes" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 1:32:04 PM
Subject: masking requirements

Practicing social distancing, wearing PPE as prescribed, and sanitizing your hands and work areas helps protect you, your co-workers, your family, and our patients.  


In the community, face coverings are mandatory in Madison County. What you do outside of the hospital matters. 90% of employees positive test results are due to a household exposure.

A household or "shared space" exposure without a mask requires a 7-day quarantine and a negative test in order to return to work, even if you are asymptomatic. A resulting positive test due to this type of exposure requires a 21-day quarantine. Many people do not have an option to work from home and are forced to take weeks of ETO that they may not have. Some exposures can't be helped, but others can... be smart about where you go, who you are around, if you and others are wearing masks and/or keeping your distance. When a situation can or should be controlled, please do your best to keep yourself safe, and in turn, protect those around you. 


In our hospital, Jeff Samz has issued a very simple guide to masking requirements:


So when should you wear a mask??

  • Anytime you are in a public area of the hospital.  
  • Anytime you are in a clinical area of the hospital.
  • As soon as you enter the building.
  • Anytime you cannot maintain social distance from your co-workers, including in administrative areas, lounges, offices, and break rooms.  
  • This means you should maintain social distance when you have lunch because you cannot eat with a mask on.
  • This also means that staff working in non-clinical areas and off campus buildings (the Plaza, the Cochran Center, etc) must maintain social distance or wear a face covering. 
  • If you are indoors and near another person, you should be wearing a face covering.

Be safe at home, be safe at work.


Thank you for wearing your mask in Alabama during the summer... it makes a difference!

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