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07/17/20 ww HH Main - CSSM/3NE Changes
July 20, 2020

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 2:33:37 PM
Subject: HH Main  -CSSM/3NE Changes

Effective Monday, July 20th, beds 1-18 of CSSM will be converted to an ICU/PCU combo unit for non-COVID+ and non-PUI patients.  Beds 19-36 will remain pre/post cath.  The ICU beds will initially be beds 1-7 (the beds with glass doors), but the need to utilize the other beds for ICU patients could eventually occur.   Gregg or I will update you, as soon as we are informed, if beds other than 1-7 are being used as ICU beds.  


Also Monday, July 20th, 3NE is reopening as a COVID+/PUI unit.


CSSM assignments:

  • UB5/UB12 will retain verification responsibilities.
  • N2 will pick-up consult responsibilities.
  • Communication is key.  Until we have a way to display the level of care in Cerner, we should be communicating with CSSM to ensure the pt's status when applicable.

 3NE assignments

  • UB3/UB8 will retain verification responsibilities.
  • Z2 will pick-up consult responsibilities.


As always, reach out for help if you get busy! (Your co-workers really do want to help you!)  We will make any needed adjustments after we are able to assess workload. 

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