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07/15/20 je Remdesivir Order Verification Process
July 16, 2020

Click here: Remdesivir Order Verification Process, remember to order CMP if not already placed


From: Jonathan Edwards []
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2020 10:24 AM
To: Maggee Kyle; Patrick Newman; Berkley Sykes; Eric Franks Pharmacy; Katie Vandiver; Joseph Ho; Christopher Strickland; Donna Huggins
Cc: Gregg Knowles; David Collette; Richard Cramer; Adam Sawyer; Madeline Belk
Subject: Re: FDA Approves Remdesivir


Remdesivir is now officially an FDA approved, formulary product for adults and pediatric patients with the following exceptions: pediatric patients weighing 3.5 kg to less than 40 kg or pediatric patients less than 12 years of age weighing at least 3.5 kg.  These patients are not included in the FDA approval and are still under the EUA.  

 We can now stop sending the Fact sheet for all patients that are not included in the exclusions listed above.

 Please let me know if you have any questions.

 Thank you,


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