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07/09/20 ww Code Blue Update
July 9, 2020

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 10:23:38 AM
Subject: Code Blue Update
2020 code team roles july 8 final

2020 Covid-19 Positive or PUI Code Team Flow final

RPhCodeBagContents 3.26.2020

HH is now moving to treat ALL code blue patients as if they are COVID-19 +.  We also want to decrease the number of employees that are in the room with the patient, as well as employees in the hallway when possible.  
How does this affect pharmacy?
  • No change in who primarily responds to the code, however,  no pharmacists/residents/techs in training and no students. (This will be re-evaluated in August as we must eventually train new staff)
  • A maximum of 2 pharmacist will stay to work the code.  More may respond initially to the code and then decide who stays. 
  • Pharmacy will stay outside the room but remain near the doorway.  (see attached diagram) Note that the bedside table may be used as a med pass station. 
  • Use the code bag when possible to make needed drips.  The crash cart will likely be in the room (depending on code location), but remember the code bag has the medications and supplies needed to mix emergent meds. (see attached code bag contents)
  • In the rare instance that a pharmacist will need to enter the room during a code, we will be adding N95 masks to the code bag as soon as possible. 
As expected, things could rapidly change during this time, but do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have.   
Thank you for the care you provide to our patients!  I'm proud to be part of team who diligently seeks to serve our community during these difficult times. 

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