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07/07/20 bs Covid Exposure Update
July 8, 2020

From: "Berkley Sykes" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>, "Pharmacy TOC" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 9:37:11 AM
Subject: Re: COVID Exposure - Update

For those of you who may have been exposed to a COVID-19 positive patient or employee...
Employees are receiving differing information than what the Employee Health director reported as the process below, but the gist of the process is the same. 
Exposure form: EH has reported that the form is not needed if you have been exposed to a positive EMPLOYEE. Yes to patient, no to employee. You may fill it out and fax it, but if you call they will tell you they don't need it. 
Testing: Employees have reported that the Fever and Flu Clinic will not test you if you are asymptomatic. However, if you qualify based on EH criteria (time frame of exposure, type of exposure, etc), you may be tested if you request it. You may have to press the issue, but the EH director has verified that you may be tested if you qualify. 
Fever and Flu Clinic: Call EH (58046) to inform them you're going to the clinic to be tested. (Wait 7 days post-exposure!) When you get to the clinic, let them know you are an employee. If you do not get listed as an employee it will take much longer to get results. 
-If you have been exposed, inform your supervisor.
-If you go to be tested, inform your supervisor. 
-If you have been exposed and are asymptomatic, you do not have to be tested; however, be extremely vigilant in wearing your mask, keeping your distance, and washing your hands. Monitor yourself for symptoms for 14 days. 
-If you have been exposed and you are symptomatic, please call EH (58046) and your supervisor. Follow instructions and do not come to work. 

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