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07/02/20 as Post-Dialysis Time Updated to 1800
July 2, 2020

From: "Adam Sawyer" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 3:14:02 PM
Subject: Post-Dialysis Time Updated to 1800


To address administration and dispensing related issues with medications scheduled after dialysis sessions, the standardized administration time in Cerner was updated TODAY!

The standard time for Dialysis MWF and Dialysis TTSa frequencies will be 1800 on their respective days (previously 1600).
This change will only affect NEW orders.  Please modify currently active orders as needed over the next few days.

Important Notes: 
  • A nurse may administer any post-dialysis medication after completion of the dialysis session, as early as 1200 for some patients.  The standardize evening timing is meant to reduce doses that are being omitted.
  • Do not delay new antibiotic starts.  Give the first dose of an antibiotic NOW regardless of the patient's dialysis schedule.

Let me know if I can address any questions.



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