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07/02/20 md Covid Exposure
July 2, 2020

From: "Mary Dang" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>, "Pharmacy TOC" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 12:56:44 PM
Subject: COVID Exposure

Here's the latest information from Paige Bastin (as she was updated this AM):

1) If an employee has been exposed to a fellow employee that has tested COVID-19 positive, they can fill out the COVID exposure form from the Hotlist per PULSE. They can either put "exposed to employee" or the name of the positive employee...send this completed form to employee health and notify your immediate supervisor.

2) The exposed employee MUST BE VIGILANT of the following and notify employee health and your immediate supervisor of the following: elevated temp (99.1 or above with laser temp, please repeat the temp orally to re-evaluate) body aches, GI s/sx, chills, loss of taste, loss of smell (call ext 58046). 

3) The exposed, asymptomatic employee  does  not have to be tested unless they wanted to do so. If they want to test at the Fever/Flu Clinic, they must wait 7 days post exposure to the COVID-19 positive person. If they do test at the Fever/Flu Clinic and the test results are not back yet AND they are asymptomatic, they can still work (of course with a mask and practicing social distancing as usual) as long as they are ASYMPTOMATIC.

4) If the exposed employee BECOMES symptomatic, they need to call employee health (ext 58046), notify your immediate supervisor, go to Fever/Flu Clinic or go home (whatever employee health directs you to do, leave work!!!!!!!!

5) If you are COVID-19 Positive, you must be quarantined at home for 14 days AND must have TWO COVID-19 negative tests before you are back on campus.

These are the directives, as of 7/2/2020 at 1130A. I've also been told that if you inform the Fever/Flu Clinic that you are an employee and the results are needed back asap.

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