Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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06/24/20 bs Masking Requirements
June 25, 2020

From: "Berkley Sykes" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 9:50:18 AM
Subject: masking requirements

Masking requirements are being enforced on all shifts. Please review the criteria below and adhere to the requirements. 


Of note, physicians not wearing masks are being contacted by hospital administration. The expectation is for all employees to wear masks as described below. 


All… what type of mask to wear:

  • Masks must maintain a professional appearance.  Please use good judgment at all times regarding choices with mask designs.
  • Masks that have slogans, words, or pictures are not allowed to be worn by hospital employees.
  • Acceptable masks and face covering include:

o   Solid colors and patterns

o   HH logo or HH theme

o   Hospital issued

o   Team sports or school logos

o   Cartoon or child-themed only in pediatric areas

  • Wear hospital supplied PPE when required.
  • Your supervisor has white masks available if you need an additional mask, or if your mask does not meet the requirements above and you have to change. 


Employees… when to wear a mask:

  • All employees are required to wear masks upon entering the hospital from the outside, in hallways, in elevators, in lobby areas, in the cafeteria when not eating, etc. Use common sense when determining if you are in a common area.
  • Employees are required to wear masks when in a pharmacy work areas such as central pharmacy, W/C pharmacy, 5th floor pharmacy, retail pharmacy, PSP and BMT pharmacy locations - these are clinical areas, and due to the amount of people in and out, should be considered common areas as well - regardless of public access.  
  • Employees with a closed door office are NOT required to wear a mask while at their desk, but they are expected to wear a mask when entering clinical or common areas.
  • Employees at a workstation outside of a pharmacy space listed above (i.e. Dowdle, GMT, Cochran, DI) in a non-common area (no traffic in and out / no public in and out), with the designated 6 ft of separation between other co-workers would NOT be required to wear a mask at their workstation. These employees are expected to wear a mask when in other areas of the hospital or pharmacy department.


Students… when to wear a mask:

All students must wear a mask at all times while on HHS campus.

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