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06/23/20 sh 7T Unit Change
June 24, 2020

From: "Steven Higginbotham" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 5:44:08 PM
Subject: 7T Unit Change

7T has been temporarily converted to a dialysis unit that will be staffed Monday - Saturday 0700-1730. The unit will be closed each night for cleaning. 
Dialysis will use this unit for COVID positive/PUI patients on MON/WED/FRI and for non-COVID/PUI outpatients on TUE/THUR/SAT. All other dialysis patients will continue to use the normal 2nd floor dialysis unit.
Central Pharmacy will be responsible for the verification of these orders. All Cerner PPM's have been updated.
A Pyxis replenishment batch will run around 6AM everyday and will be delivered to the unit before they open each day. 
Trips to this unit should be minimized. If the unit needs a medication that is not in Pyxis, we can ask them to come pick it up or we can deliver it to them outside the unit door. Be sure to follow the signs and wear the appropriate PPE if you have to enter the unit during open hours.
Let me know if you have any questions.

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