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03/24/2017 KV -- Phenergan injection BACKORDER

From: Katie Vandiver
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 12:44 PM
To: Pharmacy Department
Subject: Phenergan injection BACKORDER


Phenergan injection is once again on backorder.  At this time, Phenergan injection is being unloaded from most PROFILED Pyxis machines at HHM and HHWC.  Doses will be sent from respective central pharmacies as needed.  At some point in the next week or two, we may need to begin interchanging Phenergan injection to Compazine injection.  More details will follow when we officially begin the interchange.  At this time, the expected duration of the backorder is unknown. 


Kathryn Vandiver, Pharm.D.
Women and Children Pharmacy Supervisor
Huntsville Hospital for Women and Children

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