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06/12/20 ww Periop Antibiotic Initiation
June 12, 2020

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2020 1:14:38 PM
Subject: Periop Antibiotic Initiation

Know Why and Comply
What happened?
Pharmacy changed a periop antibiotic from cefazolin (Ancef) to clindamycin due to a penicillin allergy.  However, the documented reaction to penicillin was "Hives", which was not one of the criteria in the PowerPlan.  See "anaphylactic or respiratory" in the orange banner. 
Why is this important?
Data has shown Ancef to be superior to clindamycin in preventing surgical site infections (SSIs).  Surgery wants to be intentional about utilizing Ancef unless the patient doesn't meet the criteria.
How do I comply?
Use the orange boxes in the Periop PowerPlans to guide verification.  In the PowerPlan example below, the only criteria to change Ancef to clindamycin is a documented anaphylaxis or respiratory reaction to penicillin or an allergy to cephalosporins.  If needed information is missing, do not initiate the plan and document why on the Periop Tracking Board. 

Initiating periop orders is a unique workflow for the majority of us, so please let me know if you need any clarification on how to handle this scenario or others.
Have a great weekend & thank you as always,

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