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06/10/20 ww HH-Main Code Blue Coverage
June 10, 2020

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2020 9:52:58 AM
Subject: HH-Main Code Blue Coverage
HH-Main Code Blue Coverage:
  • 1st Shift: Clinical Specialists will cover codes till 3pm.
  • 2nd Shift:  UBs cover codes according to your assigned units.  Accommodated and/or pregnant pharmacists are responsible for notifying another UB pharmacist to cover their assigned "Codes". Notify them at the beginning of the shift and be sure to help with verification responsibilities when they do attend a Code.  Spread the love by not asking the same person to help cover each day. 
  • 3rd Shift:  A non-accommodated and/or non-pregnant pharmacist will attend codes. 
  • Central pharmacists will continue to bring the "code bag" to the floor and assist until hand-off. 
NOTE:  Pharmacy is to remain outside the room on codes involving COVID positive or PUIs.  

As always, reach out to me with any questions or concerns!

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