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06/09/20 aa Transderm Scopalamine Patches: Description Update
June 9, 2020

From: "Aaron Atkins" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:29:56 AM
Subject: Transderm Scopalamine Patches: Description Update

The labelling for the Transderm Scopalamine 1.5 mg patch is changing to indicate the dose delivered of  1 mg/3 days. 

Note that the patch still contains scopolamine 1.5 mg base, but it is meant to only deliver 1 mg over 72 hours.

We will be updating descriptions in Carousel/Pyxis/Cerner to reflect the new emphasis of “Delivers: 1 mg/72 hrs.”  Please let us know if you have any questions/concerns.


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