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06/02/20 rc Renal Dose Update
June 3, 2020

From: "Richard Cramer" <>
To: "David Collette" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2020 10:51:02 AM
Subject: renal dose update  

At the May P and T Comm, automatic pharmacist renal dose adjustments were approved for both cefdinir and cefpodoxime as listed below
Cefdinir -    CrCl < 30 :  300 mg po q 24 hrs
                    On HD:  300 mg (or 7 mg/kg/dose) qod and 300 mg (or 7 mg/kg/dose) at end of each dialysis session
Cefpodoxime:  If regular dose is 400 mg bid,  if CrCl < 30, 400 mg q 24 hrs
                       If regular dose is 100-200 mg bid, if CrCl <30, 100 - 200 mg q 24 hrs.  

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