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05/26/20 jh Fix to bad Med Query (External Rx History) information
May 27, 2020

From: "Joseph Ho" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Cc: "Jack Adams" <>, "Berkley Sykes" <>, "Aaron Atkins" <>, "Michele Durda" <>, "April Williams" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 6:26:49 PM
Subject: Fix to bad Med Query (External Rx History) information

Hey all,

This morning we ran a script that should have removed all existing incorrect data that was ever downloaded into patients’ Cerner Surescripts Query (External Rx History).

Surescripts confirmed that data from PBMs was briefly scrambled and fill information for different, random people was appearing in the Query info of the wrong patients nation-wide.  Although limited, this was a dangerous med safety incident and Surescripts has given Cerner reassurances new safeguards are in place to prevent this from ever happening again.

Thank you all very much for your diligence in identifying and reporting this issue.  A TOC Tech first discovered this issue, and I believe Huntsville was the first hospital to report and escalate this issue to Cerner.

Please do not hesitate to report if you still see anything else bizarre in patient charts!

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