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05/26/20 gk Placeholder Orders for PKS managed warfarin and vancomycin
May 26, 2020

From: "Gregg Knowles" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 12:00:41 PM
Subject: Placeholder Orders for PKS managed warfarin and vancomycin

To All,

On Tuesday, May 26, a formal, unified process for creating placeholder orders will go live in Cerner.  This applies only to PKS managed warfarin and vancomycin, but could be expanded at a later date.  The process results in a 'dummy' order on the profile stating 'Warfarin HOLD PER PKS' or likewise for vanco.  Please review the Placeholder Order tip sheet attached, and implement going forward.  It is expected all RPhs managing warfarin and vanco will use the placeholder order process when appropriate from this time forward.  Advantages to using a placeholder order include:

1. MD made aware PKS is continuing to follow/manage the drug
2. Order is recognized by Sentri, which aids with PKS reconciliation
3. Order performs drug interaction checking on the profile

If an MD discontinues the placeholder order, that can be interpreted two different ways, i.e. the drug is being discontinued, or the hold is being discontinued.  Pharmacy does not interpret.  If there is no clear documentation of the MDs intent with discontinuing the placeholder order, the MD must be called.  Hopefully this will be a rare scenario.

Let me know of any issues.

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