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03/15/2017 CP -- Precedex premade bottles

From: Chris Pamperin

To: Pharmacists

Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 1:38:25 PM

Subject: Precedex premade bottles


Once the current supply of 400 mcg/100 mL and 200 mcg/50 mL premade bottles of precedex is exhausted, PSP will start making all dexmedetomidine drips. Due to the current backorder some pyxis machines are close to stocking out of the premade bottles, so Andrea will be removing the premade bottles from pyxis in the next few days. If a nurse calls saying she can't get precedex out of pyxis, let him/her know to resupply and it will be sent from PSP.

This change will save an estimated $350,000 annually. Let me know of questions/concerns, thanks




Chris Pamperin, Pharm.D.

Pharmacy Sterile Products Supervisor

Huntsville Hospital

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