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05/04/20 rc Spiriva Handihaler to Respimat 2.5 mcg/acc
May 4, 2020

From: "Richard Cramer" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>, "Steven Tate" <>, "Andrea Evans" <>, "Keith Moss" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2020 1:30:25 PM
Subject: Spiriva Handihaler to Respimat 2.5 mcg./acc

Folks, Boehringer-Ingelheim has decided to stop marketing the 5 day Spiriva Handihaler and replace it with a 5 -day Spiriva Respimat 2.5 mcg/actuation strength.  The cost of the newer 5 day respimat is lower than the Handihaler, and the Respimat achieves better lung exposure than the Handihaler.   The 30 day Spiriva Respimat inhaler is still available in 2 strengths, 1.25 mcg/actuation (FDA approved for asthma) and 2.5 mcg/actuation (FDA approved for COPD), so patients could come in on either strength, but the 2.5 mcg/act. strength will be more commonly used.  Dose in PI for all these Spiriva inhalers is 2 inhalations once daily. We will be only stocking the 5 day 2.5 mcg/actuation inhaler, so please note interchange from the 1.25 mcg/act to the 2.5 mcg/act strength is just one inhalation daily to provide same drug dose.   For a while, you may see patients still coming in on Sprivia Handihaler or physicians prescribing the Handihaler.  P and T has approved an automatic interchange from the lower strength Respimat and the Handihaler to the 2.5 mcg/act. product.  See attached document.  The lower strength, 30 day Respimat and the Handihaler will be non-formulary.  For any product or dosage changes in peds, contact MD, tiotropium use in peds is rare. 
We are almost out of the Handihaler in stock, so when we are out (within the next 2 days or so) no more Handihalers will be ordered for inpatients and we will start automatic conversion over to the 5 day 2.5 mcg/act. Respimat.  This is being made orderable in PowerChart.  Let Adam, Mary Hannah, or myself know if you have any questions. 

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