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05/04/20 dc famotidine shortage
May 4, 2020

From: "David Collette" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2020 8:41:12 AM
Subject: famotidine shortage

Please note that we may soon see a shortage of famotidine products...McKesson is totally out, as are grocery stores and Costco. See story at link below. We will monitor our supply and provide further direction as we see how this plays out. Currently, our supply of pantoprazole is good and could be an option for adults if famotidine is not available for an extended period of time. See FormWeb for peds recommendations.
This is a great time to assess patients receiving meds for stress ulcer prophylaxis who do not benefit from these drugs (which by some accounts is the MAJORITY of them!) and work to get them stopped.
See link to story below. DAVID

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