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04/28/20 sh Artificial Tears Solution and Ointment
April 29, 2020

From: "Steven Higginbotham" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 4:08:45 PM
Subject: Artificial Tears Solution and Ointment

Artificial Tears Solution 15 mL and Artificial Tears Ointment 3.5 g are back in stock. Normal verification of these items can resume immediately. 
Going forward, we will be stocking whatever OTC artificial tears product that is available to order. This means that we may have different brands of artificial tears solution that have have different ingredients or different concentrations of the same ingredients. This item will be listed as "ocular lubricant preserved"  in Cerner, Pyxis and on the carousel. The ointment will always be a combination of mineral oil and petrolatum, but the percentages of each may vary.
We will continue to stock Refresh PF 0.4 mL ampules, but these should only be used if preservative free drops are needed.

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