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04/15/20 ww HH-Main Position and Schedule Changes 4/20-4/24
April 15, 2020

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2020 11:00:35 AM
Subject: HH-Main  Position and Schedule Changes 4/20 - 4/24

HH-Main Position and Schedule Changes 4/20-4/24

As our hospital continues to adapt to changes from the pandemic, low census, and other factors, our department continues to adapt as well. 
Closings: POD E&F will be closed next week.  We still have multiple units and OR areas closed down as well.
Position Changes: The Q2 will position will be temporarily taken out of the schedule starting next week as well.  Starting 4/20, the Q4 can sit in the Q Area at Dowdle, until moving to Central Pharmacy at 3:30p.  UB11 will move to Central at 8p.
Schedule Changes:  Many changes to next weeks schedule, 4/20-4/24.  Be sure to check ScheduleAnywhere! We continue to adjust the schedule on a week to week basis during this time.  Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Updated Pharmacists Assignment document ATTACHED.
Thank you for your continued diligence and positive attitudes!  
Hakuna Matata,

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