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04/10/20 jh Tip sheet - Suggested Cerner Pharmacist Settings
April 13, 2020

From: "Joseph Ho" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2020 5:04:07 PM
Subject: Tip sheet - Suggested Cerner Pharmacist Settings

Hey all,

Hope you are all doing well!  I have a unique tip sheet for you; this one is designed to show suggested Cerner settings for pharmacists:

It's a tip sheet many have asked for since Go-live but we didn't want to send it out until a couple of our pharmacists looked it over.  Many of you already have these settings enabled, but I hope you learn some extra tips from it to make your jobs a little easier.
Please feel free to send me any feedback.  I intend to update this and put the Lines/Tubes/Drains situation on there once I have that better sorted.  You can find a separate link to this document as a separate link on Formweb (/hhsys) PharmIT page:

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