Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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04/10/20 ww HH-Main UB Moves and Schedule Changes
April 10, 2020

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Cc: "Pharmacy Call Center" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2020 3:51:16 PM
Subject: HH-Main UB Moves and Schedule Changes

Pharmacists Deployment COVID-19 March 2020

Good afternoon all!  More changes go into effect starting tomorrowApril 1st (Why did March have 87 days?!?):
  • The UB1 will be working out of the new Q Area located on 2nd floor Dowdle.  Phone #: 50132
  • The UB3 will be working out of the Drug Information office at Plaza. Phone #: 50493
CHECK YOUR SCHEDULE!!!   A lot of changes again for next week.  I'm so thankful for how flexible you all have been through these strange times!   Let me know if you have questions or concerns.
"To improve is to change, so to be perfect is to have changed often."  -Churchill

Thank you,

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