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03/09/2017 BG -- bacitracin-zinc topical, 15 gram backorder

From: Becky Ginn
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2017 8:36 AM
To: PharmTechs Main Central; PharmacistsMain Central; Pharmacy HHWC
Subject: bacitracin-zinc TOPICAL ointment 15 g vs 30 g

We are having supply issues with bacitracin-zinc TOPICAL ointment. Keith was able to procure some 30 g tubes (we usually stock 15 g) so these will be loaded onto the carousels at Main and HHWC.

The 30 g tube will NOT be scan maintenanced into the Pyxis ES formulary. If you need to refill a pocket in OR areas or ED areas, you will need to scan the carousel label instead of the barcode on the product's box to access the pocket.

Hopefully, this backorder will be resolved soon so that we can revert back to stocking the 15 g tubes.


Becky Ginn, Pharm.D.
Huntsville Hospital
Pharmacy Manager - Central Operations


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