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04/10/20 ww Pharmacists Deployment COVID-19 April 10, 2020
April 10, 2020

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Cc: "Pharmacy Call Center" <>
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2020 1:13:23 PM
Subject: HH-Main UB1/UB2 location changes

Pharmacists Deployment COVID-19 April 10, 2020

Starting today, the UB1 will be working out of the Dowdle classroom and the UB2 will be working out of the Q Area.  This is just a simple switch to better accommodate our pharmacists during this time.  Attached is the updated pharmacists assignment document.  AND because you all don't get enough of these emails from me, I'll be sending out another update early next week regarding the the return of the "Te" on Wednesday


UB1: Dowdle classroom -Ascom 51600

UB2: Q area -Ext 50132


AlsoI just want to thank you all again for being so incredibly flexible during this time.  Since I've been here, we have never been this separated, but in a real way, it has brought us closer together as a department.  We've had people switch positions on the fly, people training others into a new position, people taking on new tasks, people using ETO, and much more...all in an effort to take care of our patients and each other.  I'm sincerely grateful and proud to work with such caring people.


If you need accommodations during this time, don't hesitate to contact your supervisor. 




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