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04/09/20 js Preparing for potential surge
April 9, 2020

From: "Jeff Samz" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 10:08:18 AM
Subject: Preparing for potential surge

HH Community –


You’ve heard media reports about hospitals preparing for the surge of patients that COVID-19 could bring in the coming weeks and months. It’s obviously very difficult to predict the future. In fact, there are a variety of statistical models which show vastly different timelines and impacts on our state.  Our only choice is to prepare for whatever comes. Where would we find available beds if all of our beds were full? What about supplies, equipment, and of course, staffing? In the coming days our Health System is finalizing a Surge Plan to address these “what ifs” and others.


One of the elements in the plan is to develop a list of available health care workers in the community who could assist us in such an environment. The assumption in this instance is that our team here in Madison County will already be fully employed in caring for patients at the hospital. We know this seems odd given the census we are experiencing today and the number of employees who are not working. However, it is a crucial element in an emergency scenario where we are overrun with patients.


If you, or someone you know, is interested in being part of this emergency staffing pool, we want to hear from you.  We are particularly interested in people with clinical experience.


The phone number for Covid-19 surge staffing information is 256-817-1111.  To put your name on the list, please complete the short survey at


Thanks very much.


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